Call us for quality, affordable, expert-level
construction project testing.
Meeting — and Exceeding — Customer Expectations
Our goal is to meet — and go beyond — our customers’ expectations for construction testing expertise, professional support and quality results.
We assign an experienced soil, concrete, masonry, steel, or fireproofing project coordinator with at least 10 years’ experience in testing and inspection to each client project, to ensure optimal quality control.
UTS works with the General Contractor to facilitate quality work and adherence to project specifications and contract drawings.
All our professional and technical personnel have extensive education in the trade, significant real-world experience, and formal training in all aspects of the testing and inspection services we offer.

Our Mission: Quality, Reliability
and Responsiveness
Our goal is to perform quality and responsive inspections/tests, and to be an integral part of the construction process.
UTS is committed to its vision of building and maintaining a top-tier organization with the required expertise to review plans and job specifications with regard to inspection requirements, and whose management of the quality control inspection and testing process on construction projects ensures that testing is both comprehensive and completed within the established testing budget.
We take pride in our reputation as one of the leading construction project testing companies in the United States.
Testing and Inspection Disciplines
UTS of Massachusetts offers specialized skills at providing fill placement monitoring, density testing, geotechnical observations, and many other soil-related services. These services are typically performed during excavation activities and serve the purpose of determining whether all load-bearing surfaces or areas are in accordance with the project requirements or able to provide the necessary bearing that has been specified.
Concrete (both poured and precast) is inspected and tested to ascertain that all specified conditions meet the acceptable criteria specified for the project. This is achieved by visual, mechanical, non-destructive, or destructive methods. Tests are performed in accordance with documented testing procedures published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and we make extensive use of up-to-date industry information provided by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL).
Our window testing team specializes in air and water testing per AAMA 502-12 “Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Newly Installed Fenestration Products”, in conjunction with ASTM E783 “Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage through Exterior Windows and Doors” and ASTM E1105 “Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference”. We are also capable of diagnostic water testing per AAMA 501.2 “Quality Assurance and Diagnostic Water Leakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems”.
We provide expert-level services of an experienced technician to conduct testing concrete floor slab(s) for F(f) and F(l) tolerances conducted in accordance with the provisions set forth in ASTM-1155-14 using an Allen Face Co. D-Meter measuring device. Our test results help clients ensure that floors are level and in accordance with building requirements.
Our Stoneham, MA testing laboratory has state-of the-art equipment that is continually inspected and calibrated in accordance with the highest industry quality assurance standards. The lab is capable of testing materials that include soils, aggregates, concrete, precast concrete, masonry, steel, and asphalt.
Structural masonry is inspected and tested to verify that all specified conditions meet the acceptance criteria specified for the project. As with concrete, this is typically achieved by visual, mechanical, nondestructive, or destructive methods. Tests are performed in accordance with the American Concrete Institute (ACI), the Masonry Institute of America (MIA), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the International Building Codes (IBC) testing and inspection procedures.
Structural steel and the welding and assembly processes applied to it are inspected and tested for compliance with current standards and to ensure they meet the acceptable criteria specified for the project. As with concrete and masontry, this is achieved by visual, mechanical, nondestructive, or destructive methods. Tests are performed in accordance AWS (American Welding Society), AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) and ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) codes and standards.
Testing of fire-resistive materials and their application is a specialty at UTS. Our ICC certified test engineers perform visual and physical tests to identify the condition of the substrates, thickness of the application, density, bond strength, adhesion/cohesion, and condition of the finished application. We also perform inspections of patching to spray-applied fire-resistive material to ensure the techniques applied meet the original project specifications. There is a technical difference between “fire resistive” and “fireproof”, although in practice the two terms are used to mean the same thing. Underwriters Laboratories® specifies different standards for the relative fire-resistant qualities of materials, and while nothing can be considered completely fireproof (because anything will burn, given enough heat) the differences can be important from a testing perspective. Statistics have shown that the average fire burns for 20 minutes at 700 degrees; a UL Class One Hour Rating means that fireproofing material can withstand temperatures reaching 1,700 Fahrenheit for one hour—a relatively high level of “fireproofing”. Our testing and expertise takes these considerations into account.
UTS has the ability to test and inspect virtually any material used in general construction, and can offer unique capabilities to test materials used in everyday activities, such as playground surfaces, where testing of soils for thermal resistivity may be a requirement.
We often encounter situations where non-destructive testing (NDT) is a requirment. The staff at UTS includes Level I-III NDT personnel certified in ultrasonic, magnetic particle, dye penetrant, radiography, and visual inspection techniques and related technologies. Using these highly sophisticated tools, UTS can provide accurate and reliable test results from analysis of soils, concrete, asphalt, steel, and virtually any material used in the construction process.
Expertise in Firestop Inspection and Testing
UTS of Massachusetts provides the services of an experienced inspector to provide inspection for compliance to project specifications.
Inspection and testing of through-penetration firestop systems in fire-rated floor and wall assemblies is performed in accordance with ASTM E 2174, Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops.
Inspection and testing of fire resistive joints and perimeter barriers in done accordance with ASTM E 2393, Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Resistive Joint Systems and Perimeter Fire Barriers.
We also provide the services of an experienced International Firestop Council (IFC) certified inspector to visually inspect and test firestop systems and to review project plans and specifications as needed for compliance with:
- ASTM E2174-Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops
- ASTM E-2393-Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Resistive Joint System and Perimeter Fire Barriers.
FIRESTOP — UTS of Massachusetts can perform visual/destructive testing and inspections on firestops as well as review project plans and specifications as needed per ASTM E2174 and ASTM E2393. We employ International Firestop Council (IFC) certified inspectors in order to provide state-of-the-art, best-in-class firestop inspection and testing.
Meet the Team
Mr. William P. Crabtree, President
Bill Crabtree is the President and Chief Financial Officer of UTS of Massachusetts. He is in charge of all day-to-day operations. Mr. Crabtree has been associated with the quality control and testing industry for the past 45 years in the construction field. Four and a half decades of direct, relevant field and management experience qualifies Mr. Crabtree as a leading expert in virtually all disciplines of construction testing and inspection.
Mr. Crabtree has an Associates Degree from Northern Essex Community College. He belongs to the American Society for Testing Materials, Concrete Specifications Institute, American Institute of Steel Construction, and Massachusetts Institute of Testing Laboratories.
Mr. Steven T. Crabtree, Vice President
Steve Crabtree is Vice President and Operations Manager at UTS of Massachusetts, and is responsible for all phases of marketing and excellence in field and laboratory disciplines. He has been associated with the construction testing and inspection field for 45 years.
Mr. Crabtree graduated from Fitchburg State College and holds a Bachelor of Science degree. He is a member of the Construction Specifications Institute, the American Institute of Steel Construction, the American Society for Testing Materials, and the Massachusetts Institute of Testing Laboratories.
Mr. Bryan M. Crabtree
Bryan Crabtree is the Operations Manager and Head of Business Development at UTS of Massachusetts. Bryan has worked at UTS for 26 years in various roles of quality assurance and testing.
Mr. Crabtree attended Trinity College in Hartford, CT. where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics. He has held professional certifications and licenses from the American Concrete Institute (ACI), International Code Council (ICC), North East Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP).
Mr. Lennon W. Crabtree
Len Crabtree is the Laboratory Manager and the Director of Technical Services at UTS of Massachusetts. Mr. Crabtree has been associated with the quality control and construction materials testing for 38 years.
Mr. Crabtree attended Syracuse University and U Mass Lowell where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology. He is licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as an E.I.T. and a Soil Evaluator. He belongs to the American Society of Civil Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, American Society of Testing Materials, American Concrete Institute, and The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials. He holds professional certifications from the American Concrete Institute (ACI), International Code Council (ICC), North East Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP), and International Firestop Council (IFC).

Very professional and skilled civil engineer technicians, particularly the Geotech Department
Scott Smillie