Call us for quality, affordable, expert-level
construction project testing.
Services Overview
UTS of Massachusetts is a full-service testing agency specializing in the assessment, inspection and evaluation of construction materials and practices. All work is performed in strict accordance with ASTM, ACI, AWS and other applicable standards.

Our Concrete and Aggregate Lab is accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program. Our field technical staff works throughout New England performing both batch plant inspection and field inspection, including slump test, cylinder fabrication and air content determination. Moreover, our engineering staff is available to review and/or develop mix designs as well as troubleshoot problems.
All of our concrete technicians have 5 years experience and are licensed ACI Level I and Level II concrete technicians.
In the concrete testing area of our Stoneham, MA lab, we typically have more than 1,000 concrete test specimens in various stages of the testing process. The test specimens undergo a careful process of curing—including time in a temperature–controlled steam room where moisture is used to ensure the concrete is correctly cured prior to testing, plus a leveling process to ensure the specimens can be accurately compression-tested on a flat, perfectly perpendicular surface.
UTS has experienced inspectors to perform quality control inspections in the fabrication plant, as well as visual inspection of structural precast in the field.
Experienced technicians control and inspection roofing in accordance with job specifications and requirements.
Structural steel inspection by AWS and/or NDT certified personnel engage in the inspection of fabrication plant and during field erection. Non-destructive testing includes ultrasonic and magnetic particle testing.
Our experienced staff witnesses batching of mortar in the field; witness placing of block; sample block, grout and mortar in accordance with specifications.
Our technicians observe application of fireproofing in accordance with applicable specifications.
UTS can perform plant, field and laboratory inspections/tests for bituminous concrete. In the field, we test temperature, thickness and bulk density using a nuclear densometer. Further, we observe the placement and rolling of bituminous concrete. At the plant and in our laboratory, we perform extraction tests, gradation tests, Marshall stability tests and bulk unit weight tests to observe compliance with the mix design and specifications. Bituminous concrete inspection and tests are performed in accord with standards prescribed by ASTM, AASHTO and The Asphalt Institute. We have the capabilities to extract bituminous cores up to 8-inch diameter for thickness verification and related tests.
Accurate Results and Records
Experienced inspection and accurate testing of constructiion methods and materials is not enough; the results must be documented and retained. Since its founding, UTS of Massachusetts has logging inspection and testing information on tens of thousands of projects—and has accumulated hundreds of thousands of documents (many of them in digital form to reduce paper consumption) that are catalogued and accessible to our clients and any other parties as circumstances require.
Why is project testing important?

Construction projects are constantly changing.
This degree of change brings on a level of uncertainty that can cause conflict within project teams and among the many constituents who have a vested interest in a successful project outcome—both short-term and long-term.
Construction project managers are often tasked with resolving disputes, identifying and mitigating risks, and understanding legal ramifications. One vital metric in controlling conflict and resolving disputes is the degree to which construction materials, processes and methodologies are evaluated and documented.
In short, construction project testing helps mitigate risk.

Very professional and skilled civil engineer technicians, particularly the Geotech Department
Scott Smillie